We have selected North American Exotic Replica Cars (NAERC) as the supplier for our 6.0 Diablo body kits.  They construct their bodies using hand laid fiberglass instead of a chopper gun. This method greatly enhances the strength and lessens the chances of stress cracks developing in the body. Their bodies are dimensionally accurate and fit the custom chassis exactly. The picture below shows the kit that we are currently building. Click the picture to see what was included in the Stage III kit from NAERC

All of the lights used in the construction of our cars are original Lamborghini. The doors have the same geometry, hinge design, gas shocks and latch mechanism as the original.

The glass supplied by NAERC is actually thicker than the AGP glass that is used in most kits. The glass is dimensionally correct and all the edges are polished. It is the finest quality available.

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